Law firm in Poland representing (the British)
Are you a British and are you looking for legal assistance in Poland? We have very good information for Ceba – you do not need to look any further. You have just found us, or the Law Firm, specializing in representing the citizens of Great Britain, including before the court and administrative authorities in Poland. The staff of our Law Firm consists of experienced lawyers who are fluent in communicating in your native language. It is worth adding that apart from English, our lawyers know the legal realities in every aspect in Poland, so they have the skills, exactly what you were looking for and need. The specificity of the British justice system differs from that occurring in Poland. Differences also apply to the qualification of a given act, as well as the penalties provided for breaking certain prohibitions. Poland is a tolerant country, however we are aware of the concerns of foreigners before being in a lost or inferior starting position in the face of a Polish opponent in the courtroom. Stress and uncertainty are additionally at a higher level due to the language barrier and presence in a foreign country. Our task is to minimize these discomforts, so that our clients, despite these adversities, feel confident, fully focused solely on obtaining the expected court decision in a given case. However, before the court proceedings are opened, we will organize a meeting between us or, if necessary, several meetings during which we will carefully listen to your problem. Then we’ll give you all possible scenarios for completing your affairs. We will not hide from you black scenarios, although we can now assure you that we will do everything that is possible to do, that you would like to remember the battle in the Polish courtroom. We guarantee professionalism, regardless of whether you will fight for: divorce, recovering children, reducing / increasing child support, family property or company property, your own good name. We also promise you with perseverance to defend you when any kind of accusation will be brought against you, whether criminal, fiscal, economic or civil. Our ultimate goal is customer satisfaction, so we will jointly determine the position that we will defend to the very end. Although we have the necessary knowledge of law, we are here to represent you. Generalizing simpler – we will become your person, we will dress in your emotions, we will pack your arguments into your briefcase – we will add only professional legal knowledge and experience. For us, everyone should be equal before the law, regardless of: gender, skin color or country of origin. We Poles also leave our country, for various reasons, also to your homeland. Sometimes our compatriots need legal assistance abroad, which is why we understand the growing demand of foreign citizens, especially of more and more Britons, for specially provided legal services in Poland. To meet this demand, we would like to dedicate our many years of experience and knowledge to the citizens of Great Britain.