Wedding with a foreigner in Poland
Foreign travel and Internet portals are conducive to making friends between people from different countries. Sometimes it happens that relationships go to a higher level and two people decide to marry. When a foreigner arrives in Poland, he or she can consult the law firm on important personal matters that ask a lot of questions. The law office will answer questions on matters related to marriage with a Polish citizen.
Wedding with a foreigner in Poland
A foreigner arriving in Poland to marry a Polish woman is required to complete several formalities. By using legal advice, he can get information on which documents to collect and submit to the Civil Registry Office. You have to respect the deadlines, because the whole set must be submitted at least one month before the planned wedding. Previously, a foreigner is required to visit the consulate of the state where he or she comes from or to the embassy.
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A foreigner is obliged to officially confirm the absence of legal obstacles to marriage with a Pole lying on his side. For this purpose, he will have to go to the consulate or embassy of the country operating on the territory of Poland. One of these institutions will check and issue a relevant certificate. If a foreigner does not speak Polish, a translator will be needed not only for official matters, but also for the wedding ceremony at the Civil Registry Office. In the case of a concordat wedding, that is, concluded in a church, the necessity to attend an interpreter is determined with the priest.
What documents must a foreigner have to get married in Poland?
The foreigner must have a valid passport, possibly a residence card or travel document. The next document required by the Office of Civil Procedure in Poland is the original birth certificate along with the sworn translation. You will also need a certificate of legal capacity to marry outside the country issued by the embassy / consulate. The foreigner must also complete other formalities related to the presentation of further official documents such as:
- In the case of a widower – a shortened copy of the spouse’s death certificate
- In the case of a divorced person – a shortened copy of the marriage certificate with a note about the divorce decreed. Another document confirming marital status may be a valid court verdict on the dissolution of a marriage.
Further adherence to the case regarding marriage with a foreigner in Poland
The first step a foreigner should take is to submit an application. A foreigner living in Poland will be removed from his place of residence in the country where he comes from. Before giving consent to a wedding in Poland, those concerned will have to have a conversation with the consul. If it concerns people who are EU citizens (both), i.e. the wedding does not give additional rights to the foreigner, the interview is only a formal matter. In the event of a desire to marry a person outside the European Union, the conversation with the consul will be of a verifying nature. The interview is aimed at recognizing whether a foreigner wants to enter into a marriage for easier access to the labor market in Poland or EU countries or to facilitate the legalization of their stay.
As it was mentioned a month before the planned marriage, future spouses should report to the Civil Registry Office and submit the required documents. On the basis of the collected documentation, the Civil Registry Office will prepare a statement on the absence of reasons precluding the marriage. The certificate remains in the registry office where the marriage will take place, and in the case of a concordat wedding, the fiancés will have to submit it to the church in which the wedding ceremony will take place.