How to get a divorce in Poland
If in your life you are currently having problems in marriage and you know, together with your partner or partner, that your relationship can not be repaired, then you probably both are thinking about divorce. Of course, the matter would be easier if you both come from Poland, but do not worry, because we are always happy to help and advise on this topic. Below, we’ll show you some useful tips that will definitely help you with all formalities and reduce your stressed lifestyle. At the very beginning you must know that such a divorce is possible, but there are several conditions that must be met in order for the civil law prevailing in Poland to allow such a divorce. The conditions are as follows:
- the last place where both spouses lived was Poland
- one of the persons in a relationship has a place of residence or residence in Poland
- a person who applies for divorce for at least six months lives in Poland
- it is important to be the first to file an application with the Polish court, then the proceedings will take place in Poland, if the other party submits it first in another country then the divorce proceedings will be conducted there, therefore the most convenient solution to this problem should be taken, ideally if only one and the other side managed to get along
Do you have to appear in court in Poland if you are abroad?
If one of the parties to whom the divorce case does not live, for example in Poland, does it have to appear in Poland on a divorce case and here the matter is quite simple. Everything depends on whether the person filed a divorce petition if it is necessary for him to appear at the trial in Poland. If, however, the person who is being sued resides at any given moment outside the country does not have to come to Poland, he may be heard by a court in his own country. The assistance of a Polish consul who is abroad because of his testimony can also be important here. The most important thing in this whole section is that both one and the other party should be heard and say their experiences on this topic, regardless of the place where they are currently staying.
Of course, the information we have included in the above article is quite general, but we think that it will be very useful if you are looking for information on divorce topics for mixed marriages. Remember, of course, all the necessary documents that you should prepare by going to court if you are going to apply for a divorce. You will need a document that will confirm your identity, it can be an ID card or a passport. If you have a permanent residence card, you should also take it with you. If there have been any proceedings carried out before against your spouse or spouse, all documents related to them will be very useful to you. Of course, if you need help, the best solution will be to appear in our office where you can be sure of obtaining reliable help and cooperation with experienced people.