Criminal lawyer in Poland
The lawyer’s practice is very diverse. The law in Poland regulates many life situations, ranging from certain administrative relations, through obligations between peers to criminal laws. A person who is a citizen of another country who begins to operate in Poland must be aware that he must abide by all these regulations. If he constructs a contract in a manner inconsistent with the Civil Code, some of its provisions will not be valid. If it fails to fulfill its obligations related to business registration, its company will not function. If, by its action, it violates criminal law, it will bear liability. Especially the latter case is extremely dangerous. It is not simply a criminal offense punishable by imprisonment. There are many rules that provide for “gentle” (as it may seem a punishment), but their implementation is very onerous. Especially when it comes to offenses (the effect of which, as well as in the case of offenses, may be a measure of a criminal measure in the form of a ban on driving a motor vehicle). When a foreigner finds himself in a situation in which he will be charged, he should contact the Polish criminal lawyer as soon as possible.
Attorney in criminal matters
The Polish system does not differentiate attorneys in relation to the cases conducted by them. An attorney who deals with family matters can easily defend in criminal proceedings. What’s more, the practice shows that the vast majority of lawyers conduct a variety of practices. Of course, there are lawyers specializing in a given branch of law, but their knowledge is so broad that they also successfully occur in other matters. A foreigner choosing a lawyer in criminal matters should not be afraid – practically every lawyer is in contact with criminal law (this involves both a large number of cases and cases that he performs ex officio). The fact of being a foreigner will often be an advantage that an attorney will be able to use in his defense tactics.
Speed and efficiency of operation
It is worth checking out the most popular attorneys in the area. It is important to contact the lawyer quickly, because the sooner he or she enters criminal proceedings, the greater the chances of success. A person who has the status of a suspect or already accused must always be informed of his entitlements. Unfortunately, most often people appearing in these procedural roles do not know their catalog and do not know how to use them. The lawyer, however, perfectly understands the specificity of the criminal proceedings, so he can advise when to exercise the right to refuse to testify and when to testify. The presence of a Polish lawyer in criminal matters can also guarantee that there will be no abuses on the part of the other party in the proceedings – the accuser. Everyone should be guaranteed material defense (presence of a lawyer). That is why his participation in the proceedings is so important.